
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


QODBC cannot push or pull data from QuickBooks if your application is not running. A connection has to be initiated from your application.

QODBC (or any Intuit QuickBooks SDK-based application) does not require credentials to connect to the QuickBooks company file. Connection authentication is performed by QuickBooks based on the Integrated application certificate stored in the QuickBooks company file.

If you must provide credentials in your application to connect to the ODBC driver, you can provide any username and password.


username: admin

password: anything


username: administrator

password: somerandomtext

First Time / Demonstration

QODBC (or any Intuit QuickBooks SDK-based application) does not require credentials to connect to the QuickBooks company file. Connection authentication is performed by QuickBooks based on the Integrated application certificate stored in the QuickBooks company file.

If you must provide credentials in your application to connect to the ODBC driver, you can provide any username and password.


username: admin

password: anything


username: administrator

password: somerandomtext


For QuickBooks Desktop (country edition does not matter) and POS editions there are 3 types of licenses: Read Only Desktop – For extracting data OUT of QuickBooks into applications like Crystal Reports, Power BI, MS Excel etc. for reporting purposes. Read/Write Desktop – For extracting data OUT of QuickBooks and pushing data INTO QuickBooks with database management applications like MS Access, Visual Basic, etc. and 3rd party desktop applications that need to write data INTO QuickBooks. Server Edition – For extracting data OUT of QuickBooks and pushing data INTO QuickBooks with database management applications like SQL Server, Web Server etc. and 3rd party service-based applications that need to read/write data INTO QuickBooks. For the QuickBooks Online editions (country edition does not matter) there is only 1 type of license subscription that can be ordered: QODBC for QuickBooks Online serves as all editions of the driver, Read Only Desktop, Read/Write Desktop and Server editions. (Subject to offering a server edition of QODBC for Online)
QODBC is licensed on a per machine basis and not on a concurrent user basis. You would need 2 QODBC licenses for 2 machines.

Please refer to QODBC Version Differences


For online purchases:

FastSpring handles all the payment and payment processing.

FLEXquarters.com Limited or any websites owned by FLEXquarters.com Limited do not collect any payment-related information.




For online purchases:

We use Square Virtual Terminal for phone sales.

QODBC Support

Join our open email discussion group, hosted by Google Groups, where you can share tips for using QODBC and learn how others are using the product. When you join, the messages you and the other members post will be emailed to you and to the rest of the group. Sometimes message volume can be a problem, so the signup process includes the ability to “digest” the messages into one email per day. You can also read them from the web page link below. There is advertising included in messages for this list.

Join the discussion list here: https://groups.google.com/g/qodbc

Click here to upload files requested by the Support Department.

Those purchasing the product will receive Free Installation Support for 30 days from the date of purchase. Program anomalies will be addressed at no charge, and updaters posted on our website. Other support requests for configuration, connection, or troubleshooting issues specific to your application or requirements may be subject to a $75 per incident consulting fee.  Program anomalies will be addressed at no charge, and updaters posted on our website. Click here for further details.

For our first level free support option, you can create a ticket at http://support.qodbc.com/

For our second level (Remote/Phone/Email) Paid support option, you can create a ticket at http://www.qodbc.com/phsupport.htm

To be alerted to news about QODBC, product releases, beta test cycles, new features, and promotions, click here.


QODBC cannot push or pull data to your application automatically. It is always on demand and has to be initiated by your application.

QODBC cannot push or pull data from QuickBooks if your application is not running. A connection has to be initiated from your application.

QODBC is able to access data from QuickBooks using the QuickBooks SDK, which is an embedded feature of the QuickBooks Desktop Application. 

The QuickBooks SDK does not provide us with notification of data change.

The QuickBooks SDK does not support webhooks or triggers.

Please refer to the Data Layouts  article. 

Please refer to the article Function Reference

The application will connect to the QODBC 32-Bit or 64-Bit Driver.

If you use QRemote, your application will connect to QRemote 32-Bit or 64-Bit Driver.

In the case of QRemote DSN, QRemote Client will connect to QRemote Server, and QRemote Server will connect to QODBC 32-Bit DSN.

All the data exchange between QODBC and QuickBooks uses Intuit’s QuickBooks SDK.

QODBC or QRemote cannot connect directly to the QuickBooks company file.

A few applications example, MS Access, will keep the connection open once a data exchange is demanded. Connection is persistent until your application is running or closes the connection.

All applications must connect, perform data exchange(s) and close the connection. It is always in demand.

Please refer to QODBC Version Differences

Please refer to the link SQL Language Support (Syntax)

Please refer to Stored Procedures

Please refer to the QODBC Quick Start Guide PDF document for information about ODBC, and how to install and use QODBC for the first time.

Please refer to the page Details on what QuickBooks data is available via QODBC for details regarding tables, fields, and reports available in QODBC.

Please refer to support.QODBC.com

To be alerted to news about QODBC, product releases, beta test cycles, new features, and promotions, click here.

Download the Quick Start Guide using the following link. QODBC Quick Start Guide PDF document

QODBC / QRemote or your application will not require QuickBooks credentials to connect to your QuickBooks company file.

When connecting using QODBC, QuickBooks will ask for “Application Integration Certificate / Permission. Only QuickBooks company file “Admin” can approve the connection. After approval, QuickBooks will save the approval information in the “Integrated Application” section.

Next time when the same application (for example, MS Access, MS Excel, Power BI) tries to connect using QODBC, QuickBooks will check the application that is trying to connect. QuickBooks will then validate the application based on the previous permission and will either allow or deny the connection.

Your Power BI, MS Access, MS Excel, etc. will initiate QuickBooks or the application connection.



The optimizer file/database is encrypted and can only be used when using with QODBC.

If you are using optimizer (default is enabled), QODBC will store QuickBooks data on your local disk in an encrypted format.

Optimizer file is generated for each company file, different for each Windows user.

We are sorry, but we cannot disclose the information.

All the executables, installer, and binaries developed by FLEXquarters.com Limited are secured by Digicert Microsoft Authenticode.

You can verify the Digital signature by viewing properties on any of our application/binary files.


If the file has been tampered with, FLEXquarters.com Limited digital signature will be automatically removed from that file.

By default, it is not encrypted, assuming you exchange data locally or within the local area network.


For WAN/Internet – We highly recommend you turn on encryption before opening the QRemote port to an external network.

Please get in touch with the support or security team of your QuickBooks hosting company. Data security, backup, and other security depend on the hosting company.

QODBC uses 256-Bit AEC encryption.

We are sorry, but we cannot disclose the information.

QODBC / QRemote or your application will not require QuickBooks credentials to connect to your QuickBooks company file.

When connecting using QODBC, QuickBooks will ask for “Application Integration Certificate / Permission. Only QuickBooks company file “Admin” can approve the connection. After approval, QuickBooks will save the approval information in the “Integrated Application” section.

Next time when the same application (for example, MS Access, MS Excel, Power BI) tries to connect using QODBC, QuickBooks will check the application that is trying to connect. QuickBooks will then validate the application based on the previous permission and will either allow or deny the connection.

QODBC will provide the requested data to the calling application.

It then depends on the application and you to protect your data.


After providing the data to the calling application, QODBC has no control over the calling application and cannot enforce encryption.

Example. You have extracted Invoice data from QuickBooks using QODBC in an Excel file. Now, it is your responsibility to protect the Excel file.

Support Options

Our QODBC Support Wizard (included with QODBC) is a useful tool that can help you with verifying installation and configuration, testing connection to QuickBooks, executing SQL statements, and raising support tickets. Those purchasing the product will receive Free Support via our Technical Support forum. Program anomalies will be addressed at no charge, and updates will be posted on our website. Other support requests for configuration, connection, or troubleshooting issues specific to your application or requirements may be subject to a $75 per incident consulting fee Click here for further details.

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