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Configuring 64 Bit Access to QODBC

64 and 32 bit worlds are kept totally separate in the Microsoft Windows Operating System. QuickBooks is a 32 bit application, so in order to communicate with it, a 32 bit ODBC driver is required.

Since a 64bit application cannot talk to a 32 bit driver, we have to do a bit of magic to get the worlds to connect, we call it QRemote. QRemote works as a bridge between 64Bit Applications and the 32 Bit QODBC Driver by communicating data calls between the two worlds using TCP/IP protocol. QRemote makes it possible for 64 bit Web Servers and 64 Bit applications to talk to QuickBooks live for the first time via the QODBC Driver.

QRemote has two components “QRemote Client Driver for QODBC” and “QRemote Server for QODBC”

QRemote Client Driver: Allows 64 Bit Applications to connect to QRemote Client and sends the requests to QRemote Server for Processing.

QRemote Server: Processes requested instruction from QRemote Client to QuickBooks using QODBC Driver.

Configuring QRemote Server.

Start “QRemote Server for QODBC” from Windows start menu.

Double click the QRemote Server icon “Q” from the system tray. 

QRemote Server Main screen, shows the IP address and Port it allows the QRemote Client to connect to.

Make a note of IP address and Port number listed on the QRemote Server “Event Logs window”

Configuring QRemote Client.

Lets verify the QRemote Client DSN is Pointing to correct IP Address.

Select “Configure QODBC Data Source 64-Bit” from Windows Start Menu.

Switch to “System DSN”, Select the DSN “QuickBooks Data 64-Bit QRemote” Or “QRemote Data 64-Bit”.

Click Configure. This will bring QRemote Client DSN Configuration.

Verify the IP address and the Port number is the same as displayed on “QRemote Server”. If its different from what is on QRemote Server, Please correct the IP address and Port and Save the changes by clicking “OK”.

“For More details On How to Configure/Create new QRemote DSN”, Please click here

Testing Connection

You may use any 64-bit Application like MS Access/Excel to connect to the Remote QODBC. In this example we are using VB Demo.

Please Note: VB Demo is a 32 Bit Application. We are using a 32 Bit application here and using 32 Bit DSN of QRemote, But you can use a 64 bit Application and can perform a Test Connection. We have pre-configured “QuickBooks Data QRemote” (A 32 bit DSN) with IP Address of QRemote Server.

Step 1 – Start QuickBooks to register QODBC

Please keep QuickBooks running, Logged in as “Admin” under Single User Mode

QuickBooks is an accounting program which must produce trusted numbers that accountants can rely on. For this reason they have created an interface to the QuickBooks application which follows all of the business rules. This is what our product uses to access QuickBooks data.

To get access to that data, your application (using QODBC/QRemote) must register with QuickBooks so that security access can be granted. To do this, you first need to run QuickBooks on your computer logged in as an Administrator and open your company file (or one of the sample company files that came with QuickBooks)

Step 2 – Running VB Demo

Leaving your QuickBooks company file open, click on “Start” and “Programs” and locate QODBC Driver for QuickBooks program group.

Click on the VB Demo icon to launch the Visual Basic Demo program supplied with QODBC.

From the Menu, Click “Connection”, Select “Add Connection”

From the Data Source list, select “QuickBooks Data QRemote” or the DSN you had configured that points to QRemote Server’s IP Address.

Please Note : Here we are using “QuickBooks Data QRemote”, but on your 64-Bit Application you will get option to select “QuickBooks Data QRemote 64-Bit” or “QRemote Data 64-Bit”


Step 3 – QuickBooks Integrated Applications

When the driver starts, QuickBooks will ask permission for the driver to access your QuickBooks data. Answer “Yes, Always” to this and the QODBC driver is added to the Integrated Application list.

This will allow applications to integrate with QuickBooks data when QuickBooks is running on the desktop. There may be instances in which you want an integrated application designed to share data with QuickBooks to access QuickBooks files automatically, without user intervention. This might permit, for example, a particular application to run during the night when there is no other activity on the company file. Also QuickBooks need not be running on the desktop for ODBC compliant applications to access the data files while set in this mode.



This will allow applications to integrate with QuickBooks data when QuickBooks is running on the desktop.

Step 4 – Testing Your Connection

After the Successful connection you may notice “Tables”, “Query” & “Disconnect” buttons gets Highlighted.


Now that you have successfully established a connection to your QuickBooks data, it’s time to type in your desired SQL query, for example your can use the default “SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER” or type in another table like stock by entering “SELECT * FROM ITEMINVENTORY”. Click on the “Query” button and the requested query results will appear! In case you’re wondering, the * in the select statement means all columns in that Table. Click on the “Tables” button to see a list of all the available QuickBooks tables.

To disconnect, you can either select “connections” / “remove the connection” or Click the “disconnect” button. If you get an error, please search our FAQ Knowledgebase or post a support ticket to resolve the issue Click Here. If not, congratulations – you have created your first report from QuickBooks data and are ready to talk to your own company data.

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